This list documents recent changes to the CMS (Content Management System), so you can be aware of new features and how to use them (most recent entries are at the top).
Fixed a bug in some ABD generation where the POI description could end up saying 'No description is available' in rare cases.
Fixed a bug in the ABD generation where it could fail with an errant report like this: "Skipping Google match 'Saugeen Riverbank Campground' since the address you provided for the ABL (1343 Bruce CR4, Walkerton, ON N0G 2V0) is greater than 1km from the address of this matching item (1343 Bruce CR4, Walkerton, ON N0G 2V0)". This could happen with rural addresses specified for an ABD.
Mobile app updates (2025-03-08):
Fixed a bug where switching the language from settings could result in an error indicating the language was not yet installed.
Fixed a bug where the tapping the search icon on the left once a searched is opened, could open the app menu accidentally.
Android (575) and iOS (565):
Removed Twitter button from Webapp and Mobile detail pages.
Improved the CMS event logging to ensure all event data is preserved while offline, and pushed to the CMS server once we regain internet connectivity.
Increase the Trivia prompt delays.
Improved the CMS event logging to ensure all event data is preserved while offline, and pushed to the CMS server once we regain internet connectivity.
Support Lapentor 360 Tours as media items for POIs.
Fixed a bug that didn’t allow paste feature to tours.
Improvements to the Organization Analytics compliance metrics (bottom report). Customers can now better see how many POIs and ABDs they have used, and what remains available.
Removed Twitter (X) sharing icons from POIs in the mobile and webapps (no longer supported by X).
Launch of our new Points and Rewards offering now fully integrated into the CMS. Existing Points and Rewards customers will be upgraded to the new system soon, or reach out to your customer success representative to request more information.
Added the ability to replace or append rich HTML content to ABD descriptions. Previously, this field was plain text only, and only replacement was possible:
Added a new 'Operating date range' field to ABDs. This optional, and useful for businesses that have limited operating dates:
Added deeplink generator to Sub-layers in the CMS org menu editor.
If an organization has a custom menu defined, that menu will show up in all of the sub-organization details as well.
Major new feature! Custom Menu Editor which customers can use to edit and maintain their own organization menus:
You can go to Organization Properties, and click the 'Expand' menu option to edit your Organization menu:
New Driftscape mobile app updates (2024-11-24):
New built-in content from all our partners (which makes deeplinks work immediately instead of delayed for the next data sync to finish).
Improvements to offline saving functionality to fix bugs when saving very large POI selections from map view.
Fixed a recent bug where the tour stop icons for some organizations were not using the correct icons in the tour map view.
In the Settings dialog, if a data sync is on-going, then that is reported, along with the amount of time so far to complete the sync. This is helpful to see if the sync is occurring. Make sure to return to the main mode to allow the sync to complete the last steps.
Minor bug fixes
Added new article on Generating Multiple ABDs From A Spreadsheet.
Major improvements to our ABD system to put natural explanation into Failed Automated Business Directories (ABDs) so customers can better correct error cases.
- DB Drop update (2024/11/09). Parry Sound, UK Gems (hidden org).
Added support to the open_feature deeplink action for the 'driftscape_org_id' parameter (optional). If supplied, then a select_org happens first, prior to opening the POI.
Improvements to the new icon generator, and related bug fixes.
The organization menu no longer needs special <div> injection HTML in the org description. If not entered, then the org menu, if specified, is added to the end of the organization description.
New 'disable webapp domain checking' setting in Site Properties/Organizations (Driftscape admins only). Our security domain check does not always work with some domain hosts that change the IP it seems. So, this feature can simply be disabled (now the default).
Fix for a bug where the 'allow inline photo' button in the POI editor was always dim unless there were gallery media images.
In the CMS content editor, always enable the “Insert/Edit Feature Photo” button, even if there are no gallery images for the POI yet. This allows users to add external images to the POI, even if the gallery has no POIs. Previously, the button was not selectable if there were no gallery images yet for the POI.
New prototype organization icon generator functionality. Access this new functionality from Organization Properties. Once you have uploaded a main organization icon, you can create map and tour stop icons automatically from the main icon. The map icon uses a default marker template, and the tour stop icon generator allows you to select the foreground and background colors with the same template. You can still use your own artwork for the map and tour icons, but this is discouraged, so that users see a similar stylizing for all organization icons in Driftscape.
Added a new 'Show visitor analytics with full postal code' setting for organization analytics, to further refine the location reports by full postal code instead of FSA code.
Changed the name of Automated Business Listings (ABLs) to Automated Business Directories (ABDs) in both the CMS and in our Knowledge Base.
Added an optional 'maxRedemptions' setting to the for both Points and Rewards. The default is not set, which behaves as it did prior. If set to an integer value, then the total number of redemptions of points (or rewards) across all users is limited to that value. This is useful to have a reward that acts more like a prize, awarded to the first (or some number) of persons to complete the contest.
Added new List tour stop views separately from tour views feature to the CMS organization analytics. This allows customers to answer questions like, "How many users viewed my tour?".
You can now specify that the password field for protected POIs can be entered in Plain Text. See Password Protected Content for more information.
Improvements to the way images are cropped in the Gallery for POIs.
Custom Menus for your Organization are now auto-translated.
Our Google Doc User's Guide is now replaced by this Knowledge Base.
Added the ability to override ABL generation with one specified image. See Entering your ABD information for more details.
Changed the Point and Rewards reward redemption form:
If the reward requires an address, then the email field is displayed for redemption and must be entered (like the other address fields and phone number).
Otherwise, the user can still email themselves the reward details after the redemption is completed (and the email field is displayed in the final form).
Driftscape for Web improvements:
Embeds no longer expose or prompt for Driftscape Trivia (this is configurable, but by default it’s now off, since customers will not want to promote Trivia, and the content won’t be visible in their content necessarily).
Added our new support for Automated Business Directories creation in the CMS. For existing ABD customers, contact your Driftscape support representative to switch over to the new system.
CMS update:
Minor bug fixes.
Driftscape for Web:
Improvements to search, to allow searching on single characters and numbers more efficiently.
Improved the Points and Rewards reports to show you the progress as it generates, and be able to handle a large volume of transactions (it was failing around 60 or so rows prior).
Our new auto-translation functionality is now available in the CMS, mobile apps, and Driftscape for Web. Enjoy all content in Driftscape auto-translated to French through Google Translation APIs.
More powerful reimplemented Automated Business Directories (ABDs). New algorithms and AI improve the ABD descriptions and images. Images now have captions as well. Contact your Driftscape support representative if you want to have your ABDs regenerated.
Driftscape for Web: added the ability to control whether the provided organization logo URL opens a new browser page (the default), or replaces the existing browser page content. Contact your Driftscape support representative if you want to change the behaviour from the default.
Organization level search tags no longer need to include the ‘#’ symbol in front. Contact your Driftscape support representative if you want to change your organization level search tag terms.
Added support for the driftscape_org_id parameter with the open_search deeplink command (more info here]).
New Organization Menu feature available.
Support for offline organization menus.
Customers can sort by visibility in the content view in the CMS.
For ABD sub-layers, the ability for CMS users to edit the content has been removed. Now, when they view the content for the ABD sub-layers, they will instead be able to change the draft/visible state from the content list by clicking on that row/column entry, but editing the POIs is not possible.
Points and Rewards now work in Driftscape for Web.
Now the CMS copy/paste functionality supports copying events as well.
Driftscape for Web updates:
Fixed a bug where the Driftscape Trivia process where the “Don’t ask again’ button in the trivia prompt was not working properly.
Events Toronto data update.
Added user phone number field to reward redemptions, for mailed rewards. This is an optional field, which can help you if you have problems with their provided address. The rewards report includes the phone number as well.
Added the new ‘scroll to bottom’ parameter to push notifications in the CMS. Causes the link to the POI to open and scroll to the bottom on the view (on mobile and web), when included. This is useful for Driftscape Trivia, where the question is added to the bottom of the POI.
Improvements to Driftscape for Web:
There is a ‘Share’ button after you answer Driftscape Trivia questions. It will bring up the local email client with your trivia statistics.
Added Driftscape Trivia menu item to open up the first Trivia question.
Add our new Organization menu feature.
Improvements to the Points and Rewards system:
Added support for mailed rewards. This option (on rewards) causes name and address fields to be displayed on reward redemptions.
Added admin email setting for the organization: all reward redemptions are sent to this organization administrator email address (useful for mailed rewards, since these then have to be processed).
Added the user name and address to the reward report (which is only asked for and displayed for mailed rewards).
Added a general contact email address for organizations, which if supplied, is displayed to the user so they know who to contact with questions about their rewards.
Changed default for tour audio auto advance setting from ‘yes’ to ‘no’ (audio does not stop and next stop audio advance until the current tour audio playing stops).
Support for Driftscape Trivia:
See the new Driftscape Trivia menu item in the mobile apps.
This is a weekly push notification from Driftscape Gems - Canada with interesting trivia associated with all of our great partner content.
This is managed by Driftscape, and the trivia questions show up inside the associated POIs.
Supported in Driftscape for Web as well.
Supports users statistics as well, stored in the cloud through user login (i.e. statistics are held in the user account, so share across mobile and web).
Improved user interface for push notifications, making it easier to use.
Improved user password requirements for the CMS.
Improved copy-paste POI functionality in the CMS (POI => POI or TourStop" and "TourStop => POI or TourStop).
Ability to upload GPS tracks for tour routes (KML and GPX files).
GPX/KML file upload tool added to location tabs when creating new content. Users can upload their file to use a line from it automatically.
Updated password field requirements for when a user updates their CMS password:
Passwords must be at least 15 characters in length
Passwords must contain at least 1 upper case letter
Passwords must contain at least 1 lower case letter
Passwords must contain at least 1 number or special character
Improved push notifications to handle cases of larger messages (which were not getting through, especially on iOS devices).
A fix for test notification sends, which were not working properly (were going out to all users, instead of just the one entered user).
Initial alpha support for Driftscape Trivia: more to come on this later for users!
Fixed a bug where the list of associated POIs was often incorrect for the organization.
support as a video link.
New copy-paste functionality to duplicate a POI.
Improved support for some unusual types of SVG files for organization icons.
Changes for push notifications support in Driftscape for Web: subscribe deeplinks, sub-layer subscriptions working.
New Push Notifications documentation.
This feature is still in alpha development. If you are interested and want to try it, contact your customer support representative.
Added support to enable tour auto advance when audio is playing (off by default, but there is a tour option for this now).
Added ‘redemptionDistance’ to the Points and Rewards reporting system/URL.
Fixed some bugs with the language switch in mobile app tours (both platforms). Now, the setting persists as you open tour stops, and advance or change tour stops.
New data drop: all public content as 2023-04-06 is now “built-in” to the store app, then the app syncs up as usual.
An update of this guide, to include more Automated Business Listing documentation.
Organization analytics downloads now include ALL POIs in the POI views file, so you can see more than just the top 30.
Minor formatting enhancements to ABLs.
Further improvements to ABLs to enhance the scraped quality and content.
Added new 'open_search_plain' branch deeplink command, and 'open_search' parameter. similar to open_search, but no changing of the current filter settings. Ask your Driftscape customer support representative for details if you want to use this new command. Do not use it until end of March 2023, to allow for widespread updates of the mobile apps.
Initial alpha version of the Points and Rewards feature in Driftscape.
Support for sorting organizations in the category view by a base name, rather than the title for the organization. This is helpful if your organization name has prefix words that should not impact the sort order (like ‘the’).
Added the ability to associate quest stops with the parent quest start POI, which prevents quest stops from being displayed until the quest is opened.
We now allow more HTML tags in POI content, providing more control over formatting for technical customers comfortable editing the HTML source code in the POI editor.
Fixed some bugs related to search in Driftscape for Web when you searched on ‘stopwords’ (‘the’, ‘and’, etc.)
Bug fixes to password protected content in Driftscape for Web.
Added support for non-floating inline images, updated documentation.
Added support for external URL inline images (not just from the gallery), updated documentation.
Added support for iGuide videos.
Improvements and to organization analytics, updated documentation.
Added documentation on Organization name sorting.
Added the ‘org_events’ deeplink action.
Added the ‘open_search_list’ deeplink action.
Added support for iGuide 360 tours.
The password for password protected content is now case insensitive.
CMS changes:
A variety of small bug fixes to organization analytics.
Driftscape for Web changes:
Changed the behaviour of the password entry dialog such that canceling from a tour stop does not cancel the whole tour presentation.
Support for many deeplink actions, matching the mobile apps.
More details to the Analytics documentation.
Documentation on creating your own deeplink. Includes new parameters and ways to link to Driftscape for Web for browser deeplinks.
Documentation on creating your own QR Codes for deeplinks.
Support for QR Code scanning in AR Mode (mobile apps).
Significant improvements to the linger time and visitor charts in organization analytics. Previously, for very large or very small organizations (geographically), the reported linger times could be incorrect. These changes are retroactive to Oct. 21, 2021… linger time and visitor data prior to that date will remain as prior reported.
Improvements to the analytics page to avoid long delays in some larger reports (long time periods). This was especially true with organizations that cover a large geographic area.
Removed the ‘include sub-layers’ option from analytics: now it is just always on in all analysis and calculations.
A variety of minor bug fixes related to the assignment of visitors to regions (improved geographic shape files for postal codes).
Full Multilingual support added to the CMS and web app.
Change how tour stops are reflected on analytics (tour stops no longer show up separately as POIs in POI lists in analytics, but do count to views of the parent tour).
Documented how to embed the web app to open a POI.
New feature to embed the web app as a list view only.
Metric/Imperial units in Analytics.
Added visit region boundary option to analytics.
Mobile apps: app setting for metric/imperial units. Used in callouts, list view, and AR mode. Initial setting is set based on first GPS location geocoding into US (imperial), otherwise metric.
Added support to assign POI media items to our language list. This is not a feature customers should use yet, but will be exposed, for now. This is visible at the bottom of the media add/edit CMS screen.
Tour autoplay mode default distance for driving tours changed from 5,000m to 400m.
Added new ‘App type’ option for organizations and POIs, to control whether the content shows up in only the mobile apps, webapp, or both (the default).
Added the ability to tag coupons with an organization id, so that the coupon redemption report can include more than one set of coupons (i.e. report on all the coupons for an organization).
Support for threshold360 3D tour images as gallery media items.
Support for password protected POIs in the web app.
New Automated Business Listing support: visit our website for more details and adding this feature to your plan.
Added support for ipcamlive streaming video as a gallery media item.
Support added for the new dynamic ‘weather widget’ that allows you to show the current weather for a location, inside a POI, at the time the POI is opened. Talk to your Driftscape sales representative to add this feature to your account.
2021-08-03: Trial mode for Driftscape for web
2021-05-17: New Tool! Driftscape for Web
POI categorization.
New feature! Internal POI Links
Offline Mode now available to all users. This allows users to download and save selected POIs for offline viewing.
While users can view images and hear audio offline, they will not be able to view the videos uploaded to the POI as their primary host location is an online channel (YouTube/Vimeo)
Production server update to make the new offlining support in the mobile apps functional
There are no settings required in the CMS for offlining to work: it is completely independent of organizations, and is available for all POI content in Driftscape
Now, draft features will sync to devices with the correct username setting, for organizations that are public (as well as in trial mode). This allows you to trial entries in the app that are part of public organizations.
For organizations with suborganizations, the compliance limits (i.e. POI count) include the suborganizations as well.
Fixed a bug related to duplicate names for organizations.
Added initial Quest documentation.
Added translation of more database errors to be more user-friendly.
Removed the 45deg perspective in Satellite view from all Map panels - retained Map and Satellite options.
You may notice when you edit entries that there is a new ‘Quest type’ option. We will be adding further documentation soon on how organizations can use quests… stay tuned!
Added switch to 'Org Analytics' page to allow rollup of analytics from sub-layers (default off)
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